::: BLOG 2002-2003:::
Web Log - Ricky Seabra

October 24, 2003


Estive muito tempo fora do ar aqui dos meus blogs. Estou no Brasil. Finalmente. Depois de dois longos anos. Desde o 24 de outubro fechei apartamento em Amsterdam. Fui

ISADORA.ORB went well. it was a difficult ride though. During this first part of the work in progroess our intention was to shake the thesis I wrote out of my idea of sending artists to the international space station. To find stories and images that would be relevent. To make poetice images rather than explain and argument which is something i have been beusy with for three years. What we showed in Mechelen is quite tight image-wise. But so many greater questions came up durding thwork period that we will have to make major decidsions now as to which line will we follow. To what extent are the ideas of Isadora Duncan and her image be incorporated into the story line. To what extent is this personal... about my obsession to go into space. To what extent is it about the reunification of art and science. I will write about how we got to each scene.

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October 24, 2003


Estive muito tempo fora do ar aqui dos meus blogs. Estou no Brasil. Finalmente. Depois de dois longos anos. Desde o 24 de outubro fechei apartamento em Amsterdam. Fui

ISADORA.ORB went well. it was a difficult ride though. During this first part of the work in progroess our intention was to shake the thesis I wrote out of my idea of sending artists to the international space station. To find stories and images that would be relevent. To make poetice images rather than explain and argument which is something i have been beusy with for three years. What we showed in Mechelen is quite tight image-wise. But so many greater questions came up durding thwork period that we will have to make major decidsions now as to which line will we follow. To what extent are the ideas of Isadora Duncan and her image be incorporated into the story line. To what extent is this personal... about my obsession to go into space. To what extent is it about the reunification of art and science. I will write about how we got to each scene.

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October 24, 2003


Hoje é o último dia que o Concorde voa. Estou na Holanda e acabo de assistir emocionado a transmissão ao vivo das últimas aterrisagens de tres Concordes da British Airways pela BBC. A forma do avião provoca em mim uma nostalgia de uma era em que o mundo sonhava alto. Elegancia demais para uma maquina só. Não tem como não ficar arrepiado e com um nó na garganta sabendo que nenhum de nós vai poder sonhar em voar perto do espaço, ver a curvatura da terra e voar duas vezes a velociadade do som. E claro tenho nostalgia pela poca que vivi em Brasília e vi pela primeira vez o Concorde.

Era mais ou menos 1978 e o primeiro ministro da França Giscard DEstang veio a Brasília de Concorde. Parece que a bela nave recebeu mais atenão da mídia do que o próprio primeiro ministro. Eu estava no Colégio Santo Antonio tendo aulas de ginástica olímpica e perdi a comoção toda quando o avião passou por cima de Brasília. Ouvi de amigos como o meu irmão Alex correu feito relâmpago pelos corredores da Escola Americana pulando uma mesa até chegar no campo de futebol onde foi parar para ter uma vista melhor do supersônico presidencial. Ele me contou como o Concorde voava baixo acompanhado por um cortejo de tres jatos da FAB. Um de cada lado e mais um na frente que voava fazendo curvas graciosas. Ele me descreveu o que viu tão bem que guardo a imagem como se eu tivesse o visto também.

Mas acabei ficando triste aquele dia porque havia perdido o Concorde. Aí, um ou dois dias depois eu estava no carro sendo levado para a escola. Estavamos no Eixo Monumental, lado Sul perto do Touring Club. Tinhamos acabado de passar por debaixo da Plataforma Rodoviário quando o transito simplesmente parou. As pessoas desciam dos carros e olhavam para cima. O Concorde estava voando por cima do Congresso inclinando as suas asas lindas e brancas no mais azul dos céus. Giscard DEstang partia sobre uma cidade boquiaberta, portas dos carros abertos, pessoas em pé no asfalto esperando o futuro passar.

Foi a coisa mais linda que eu tinha visto nos meus 13 ou 14 anos de vida. Foi como se um dos monumentos de Niemeyer, cheio de hélio, havia se desprendido do barro de Brasília. Um monumento em pleno vôo sobre um jardim de monumentos. No rádio do carro, Jane e Herondy cantavam: Não se vá! Não me abandone por favor! Pois sem você vou ficar louco!

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October 24, 2003

Today is the last day that Concorde flies. The first time I saw Concorde was back in around 1978 when Prime Minister of France Giscard D'Estang visited Brasilia. It was a huge deal that he was arriving in Concorde. The plane itself probably got more news coverage than the Prime Minister. I was at my gymnastics class after school at Colegio Santo Antonio and I missed the commotion when the plane arrived. I heard that my brother Alex had darted down the hallway at EAB and leaped over tables to get to the soccer field to get a better view of the plane coming in. He described it as gliding by with three Brazilian Air Force jets accompanying it in the sky. Two on each side and one in front swirving from side to side in graceful curves. I still maintain that as one of my own legitimate memories even though I lived it vicariously through my brothers description.

I was pretty bummed that I hadn't seen it arrive. Then one afternoon a day or two later I was in our car being driven somewhere. We were on the Eixo Monumental and had just driven under the Plataforma Rodoviaria on the south side next to the Touring Club heading in the direction of the Cathedral. Suddenly the traffic came to a stand still and it was NOT due to traffic lights. Everyone got out of their cars on the Esplanada dos Ministerios and looked up. Concorde was flying over the Congress building and banking towards us. Giscard D'Estang was leaving.

It was truly one of the most beautiful sights I had ever seen. It was like one of Niemeyer's monuments filled with helium had broken loose from the city. A monument in flight over a garden of monuments. E no radio do carro, Jane & Herondy cantavam: Nao se v!, Nao me abandone por favor! Pois sem voce vou ficar louco!

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October 16, 2003

This one is from Emiliano in Brasilia:

A freirinha, fazendo tricô, fura o dedo com a agulha:
- Merda!!!
- Porra, falei merda...
- Caralho, falei porra...
- Puta que pariu, falei caralho...
- Ahh, também foda-se, eu não queria ser freira mesmo...


A sweet little nun, while knitting, pokes her finger with the needle.
-Jesus Christ, I said damn...
-Holy crap, I said Jesus Christ...
-Shit, I said Holy Crap...
Ahh, Fuck it, I never wanted to be a nun anyway...

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October 8, 2003

So much of my life has revolved around the events of September 11th. I ended my thesis talking about September 11th. I wrote a performance about Sept 11th, I was busy for months with my own ideas for new towers at the WTC site. Compiling a book based on my performance about September 11th. And then I submit a design proposal for the Memorial competition along with my team member Ray Keim. (read more on my participation in the Memorial Competition)

Now I have this wonderful body of work which is the memorial design and I can't show it because of competition regulations. It just sits here on my hard drive while I try to get on with my life. I have a feeling that all of us who participated in this competition are mildly going nuts deep down inside. OK, I speak for myself. But I'm getting around 40 hits a day at my site of people looking for information on competition results. Fine, I AM managing to get on with my life but there is that looming possibility of becoming a finalist. And I use the word looming because if you compare the statistics of, say, winning a lottery to the 8 in 5200 chances of becoming a finalist it becomes somewhat difficult to keep it in the back of your mind. And the event of becoming a finalist would be far more significant than just winning a lottery in that it bears an unfathomable responsibility and would most definitely be extraordinarily life-changing.

I mean, I have contracts signed with two theaters to go into production for a new performance. But I made sure when we negotiated everything that in the event me and my team member Ray got into the finals that EVERYTHING would change and that the performance would be on hold indefinitely. I wonder if the jurors are aware of what we are going through.

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October 3, 2003

The other day I went to the movies with my friend David Lakein. We just wanted to see something funny. Last sessions. Late at night. Few options. So we saw a Disney movie called Freaky Friday with Jamie Lee Curtis. It was entertaining and exactly what I needed that night... well almost. The two Duvel beers I had afterwards at De Kroon were the icing on the cake.

Upon leaving the theater I thought that in some future... who knows... 20, 50, 100 years from now someone is going to make a documentary about America's or Hollywood's obsession with weddings. So many American movies have to end at the altar as did Freaky Friday. But what I thought was more telling about America in this movie was how the writers chose to tell the story. A mother and a daughter, who make each others lives a living hell, end up in each others bodies (another recurring hollywood theme). It was some Chinese fortune cookie spell... (yes I did go see this movie now let me finish!)

Imagine waking up in your mother's body. She in your body. They meet in the hallway of their home... frantic screams. OK. Instead of sitting down and trying to figure out why this happened, the mother (now the daughter) has to see her psychiatric patients and the daughter (now mother) has an exam at school. And they HAVE to go to their appointments even though the most amazing thing has happened to them. No calling in sick.

Only in an American movie would people still show up to work and school after such an huge existential event. If this were a French movie they would drive to a beach... no... their great-grandmother's house and sit under a weeping-willow in a far off village and talk for hours...

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September 11, 2003

Today Bruno Herzeele sent me this excerpt of a poem by Nicole Blackman. Very appropriate for Sept. 11. (the poem appears in its entirety on the Golden Palominos album "Dead Inside" and is printed in Blackman's book "Blood Sugar." It was written years before 9/11.

...lift your arms and go
step forward in Nureyev leap
blink fast and whirr over streets
hover over trees
speed past taxis
don't even bother to wave
at the children who watch you
brushing past skyscapers
and looking up up
slip off the long skirt
that slows you down
and don't look back to watch it
billow to earth
tell the cool jets and Superman
that you're passing them
feel your hair stream back
with wind blinding you
forcing your dry mouth open
no one can touch you now
get out of this fucking world
as fast as you can


COMMENT from Ricky:
I was expecting a different end but I like the poem. I guess my last two lines would have been:

Go find your favorite corner in the sky
Demand your office now!


I got an email from Nicole Blackman and she told me she worked down at Ground Zero for three weeks after the attack. If you'd like to read her work on that, it's titled "Harm's Way" and can be found online at La Petite Zine and a few other places.

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September 11, 2003

So... today is the anniversary of the attacks. I actually lost sleep the other night over the memorial competition. I feel quite proud of what I achieved and sent in along with my computer modeler and consultant Ray Keim. I tripped the other night on becoming a finalist... the sensation was one of overwhelming confusion. But now my feelings are a bit more subdued and I'm more curious to see what the jurors will choose.

Ray sent me an email the other day in which he mentioned watching the Rick Burns documentary on September 11th and Twin Towers. He said they showed the footage of the 5 people jumping at the same time. Those images are always so hard to take. Not that I have anything against showing that imagery in documentaries but for me any image of the attacks I try to avoid now. I just want the towers to stand in my memory again. Last July I had my first dream in which the towers still stood, intact, normal. I don't want them burning in my dreams anymore. And what you feed your eyes is, in great part, what you'll get in your dreams.

But there is one image of September 11th that I could actually watch again. It's a video shot from West Broadway. You see a street full of people watching the two towers burning, backs turned to the camera. Then the top of the South Tower leans eastward in the moment when the Earth (for New Yorkers) became a bizarre opposite of solid... not liquid... well, maybe a liquid panic. With that subtle moment of the tower tilting, the entire street screamed and cried. No "Holy Shits!" or "Fucks!"... just cries. And as the tower caved in on its torso one young man's arms shot up in the air making two fists with his hands. At first glance one might think he was cheering. But in a moment of reflex he was just trying to keep our world solid.

Today I think of all my friends that are there. It's a day I wish I could spend in NY. I miss you all.

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September 5, 2003

I'm baaaaack. I spent a month and a half without a computer and internet over the summer. So I spent most of the time writing my new performance by hand. But it's nice to be typing again and having access to the muddle of my mind in orderly Mac icons. Last night I saw a fabulous performance by Nathan Fuhr's Collision Palace. Fuckin amazing.

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July 14, 2003

In my files I found a poetry ZINE from my days at Parsons School of Design. The Zine was called PINK. I'm so glad I found this because it contains a beautiful poem by someone by the name of Jerimiah B. Lighter. Don't remember you from Parsons. Jeremiah, if you find this blog, get in touch. The poem was untitled:

.....When we were young
Our bodies could absorb tears.
As we grow older, we begin to store them:
First in the corner of a toe,
.....or in an earlobe.
Later the tears begin to crowd into
.....the living room of our hearts.
We say one died from a heart attack,
.....another from cancer, and
.....still another from some other name.
It is convenient, perhaps, and
.....gives us the illusion of individuality.
In truth, we all die from drowning.

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July 11, 2003

Last night Iwatched the BBC program "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner". Very charming talk show hosted by Anne Robinson who asks the guest celebrity which 5 people (deceased) they would invite to dinner. After they explain why each invitee should be present an animated paper cut out of the invitee drops out of the sky into a seat at a dinner table. Very cute. Anyway. that made me think who my invitees would be. I thought: Charlie Chaplin, Carmen Miranda, Oscar Wilde, Werner Von Braun and Isadora Duncan.

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July 10, 2003

Last night I dreamed I was at a party of artists in NY. It was 3 in the morning and I didn't have money for a cab to go home. I forgot that the subway is open all night... been in Holland too long. In the dream I fell asleep on a deliciously comfortable bed at 3 in the morning and woke up at 10. A rare 7 hours for me. Dormi tão gostoso. The apartment was 2 blocks north of ground zero. In the dream's morning I went out to walk in the dust. sounds of bulldozers and an optimistic sunlight filled the air.

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July 3, 2003

I received in the mail a magazine from the University of Utrecht's School of Journalism about September 11. I was the only artist interviewed for it. I'll add the interview soon to this site. Anyway. Maarten van Rossem made a pretty stupid statement about building skyscrapers. He said: "Dat wedstrijdje welk land het hoogste gebouw heeft vind ik zo infantiel". (He finds the "competition of which country builds the highest building so childish"). I find it bizarre that such an intelligent man as van Rossem would make such a shallow statement. To describe it as childish?! And to describe it as a phenomenon that occurs between countries is just not accurate.

Since Babylonian times kings, religious leaders and engineers have always strived to go higher in their temples and monuments. And not just higher out of competition with another land but out of desires for immortalization. Furthermore, competition took place betweeen cities in Europe with the construction of Cathedrals. It was not only a reflection of financial might but also hope. NYC has a history of building skyscrapers during times of financial depressions in hopes of stimulating local economy. Mechelen (Malines) in Belgium for centuries desired that their cathedral tower be higher than that of Antwerp. But they never succeede and stopped at 100 meters.

ONE truly childish instant I know of competition to go higher didn't occur between countries or even cities but across the street across a street. In Berlin in Potsdamerplatz, (the former no man's land) there are buildings that went up right across the street from one another since the wall came down. During construction each building added extra stories when they found out the one across the street would be higher. THAT, my dear van Rossem, is childish. The history of mankind is too inextricably linked to ideas of permanence, aspirations and technological advancing itself. Labelling the construciton of skyscrapers or tall structures as childish is... well... quite childish. Van Rossem... in this case you should grow up.

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July 1, 2003


So... I got my proposal for the WTC memorial off to the competition. But it was a very stressful ordeal. I actually can't remember ever stressing over something so greatly. After a dramatic 4 days of having my WTC Memorial submission (which was supposed to arrive in NY in 24 hours on Friday the 27th) stuck in Fed Ex Holland for 12 hours, then Paris Charles de Gaulle for 18 hours, and after the Fed Ex Tracking website was crashed for 48 hours during the weekend (which made me think it sat in Paris for 60 hours) I finally have confirmation from the Lower Manhattan Development Commission that my Memorial concept was received at 10:16 in the morning seven hours before the deadline. Fed Ex apologized for the delay and gave me a free overnight shipping in the future... big woopy-doo.

I never imagined that my memorial could never be considered because of a Fed Ex fuck up... I was in so much pain over the weekend that for the first time I considered stop being an artist... that it wasn't worth the pain anymore. All of a sudden 1 and a half years of work was going down the drain. The end scene of my performance Airplanes and Skyscrapers (which ends in my memorial) would have become trivialized... "oh, and by the way, this memorial won't be considered because Federal Express didn't deliver it in time... THE END"... too unprofessional... it's like a child not having his homework because of a stupid excuse like the dog ate it or something. Then there was the pain of living with the "what if" factor... I'd kick myself for the rest of my life... And WHAT IF it was considered??? What were my chances??? BUT IT'S THERE NOW. relax...

Up to last night there were 13,600 submissions. But it's nice to know that (whether or not I get to the finals) that my project will be part of the WTC reconstruction discourse and the official September 11th memory. This, for me, is already enough... really.

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June 12 , 2003

Here we go with a second, third, fourth wave (I've lost count) in Israeli Palestinian violence. When one looks at a map of how Palestine was partitioned to accomodate an Israeli state one sees quite clearly how much land the Palestinians have given up (or have been robbed of depending on who you talk to). The original partition was actually quite smart (it seems) both Arabs and Jews were given equal portions of quasi-contiguous borders (three land masses for each with narrow connecting points). But now Palestinians are beings squeezed into an ever shrinking Gaza and West Back due to the Israeli radical settlers. And what's even more tragic is how the US and Europe never bring up the settler question.

If one compares the 1947 map to todays map of Israel-Palestine the world can only have one response: enough is enough. The Palestinians have lost way too much land. Time for settlers to leave Gaza and West Bank. All of them. Even if they do Palestinians are still left with so little land.

I find this idea of a road map quite hysterical. Road map to where? How can one work towards an objective if they don't even know what the objective is? The UN must lay down a new border first. Going back to the 1947 partition would be best but it's not realistic. Then borders should be immediately defined as West Bank and Gaza for Palestine... with or without settlers within those borders. THEN work towards conquering those borders and getting the settlers out. THEN a 37 km bridge connecting West Bank and Gaza. No check points. Borders must be defined first. With the amount of land lost and being lost everyday to settlers and the new Israeli fence I don't see how ceasefires can be expected to be negotiated. With no larger vision as to what Palestine's borders will look like I don't see where a road map could lead.

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June 11, 2003

I haven't had a cold in 4 and a half years... maybe even longer. Is that normal? This has intrigued for a while lately. Should I be donating my genes to science? People around me can catch colds and I don't catch them. I can get rained on riding my bike here in Amsterdam and nothing. I was wondering if I do anything different in terms of diet. Well... I eat loads of fresh coriander. I use it in place of lettuce in my salads. Then coriander goes into everthing else I eat... beans, rice, meat, fish. I rarely have desert. I'll eat something sweet as a snack but not right after a meal. Then I rarely drink any liquids, not even water, during a meal... that comes later. And it's nothing I planned or adhere to based on something I read. It's just the way I've always done things.

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May 30 , 2003

I'm entering the WTC memorial competition and I've already registered and downloaded the 38 page guideline manual. I'm glad I can participate in such a project and contribute a design which I find to be on of my best designs ever. But I feel frustrated with the setting in which I have to place my memorial.

Daniel Liebeskind has already made many memorial-like desicions for us. I like Liebeskind's design for the WTC site. Even though it wasn't the most impressive I feel it was the most sensible choice. But I also feel he has embued his design with too much "meaning".

There is the Garden Tower. Fabulous. It's taller than the WTC. Also fabulous. It's 1776 feet tall. Year of the American Independence... mmm... OK. Nice. But when you think about it. He has already designed a vertical memorial. A beautiful re-affirmation of Life.

Then there is the Wedge of Light. An area through which light will shine (disputedly) at certain angles on Sept. 11 beginning at the time of the first plane impacted WTC 1 to the time of the collapse of WTC 2.

Then there is the Park of Heroes.

Then there is Sept 11th Place.

Then there is the ramp which gave clean-up workers access to the site the pit.

Then there is the Water Fall against the South Tower footprint.

Then there is the fact that the whole site is sunk 30 feet.

Then there is the slurry wall; an architectural element of the WTC than New Yorkers NEVER had contact with or knew existed. Now we have to look at this wall from behind glass and admire them for what they are? Just because they survived the attacks? Well, actually, subway stations and trains under the towers also survived the attack and we don't need to feature them. They were actually torn down during the clean-up. I don't see the slurry walls as any architectural wonder. The towers were. Let's get that straight. (There is a lobbying effort to raise the memorial site to street level... frankly, I hope they succeed).

Then there are these cultural buildings that extend out over the foot prints of the towers invading the airspace that I'm sure many were wanting to use for their memorial ideas.

So although I'm happy to be given the opportunity to be involved in the healing process of an event that was so heart wrenching for me and many others, I find myself frustrated by all the physical constraints. Can't complain about the conceptual constraints. The Guidelines and Regulations are quite open and well thought out. But sometimes I feel that adding a memorial to Leibeskind's excessively-embued-with-significance design, I fear that Ground Zero may one day be host not only to office spaces but to a 9/11 theme park. Too many notes... too many notes...

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May 7 , 2003

I find the idea of a rapid deployment force for Europe very amusing. Since when can these 17 couintries make a RAPID decision about anything. Interestingly enough if they ever do find a model to make a quick decisions based on international consensus then maybe it can serve as a basis for the EU to come up with one voice on issues like Iraq. Then maybe Europe could speak with one voice on major issues in the UN like Iraq... and consequently have some influence.

I wonder how much EADS is behind the lobbying of this rapid deployment force... hmmmm :-/

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Feb. 15, 2003

Went to the Anti-War demonstration today at Dam Square in Amsterdam. Too cold to be eventful. Though it was a much cheerier mood than the last demostration I attended there against the Israel-Palestine conflict. One nice banner I saw read: "Everthing is is in place for a war against Iraq. Except the reason."

But the best was:


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an email from Katia:

Sing out loud and clap along...

"If You're Happy And You Know It, Bomb Iraq"

If you cannot find Osama, bomb Iraq.
If the markets are a drama, bomb Iraq.
If the terrorists are frisky,
Pakistan is looking shifty,
North Korea is too risky,
Bomb Iraq.

If we have no allies with us, bomb Iraq.
If we think that someone's dissed us, bomb Iraq.
So to hell with the inspections,
Let's look tough for the elections,
Close your mind and take directions,
Bomb Iraq.

It's pre-emptive non-aggression, bomb Iraq.
To prevent this mass destruction, bomb Iraq.
They've got weapons we can't see,
And that's all the proof we need,
If they're not there, they must be there,
Bomb Iraq.

If you never were elected, bomb Iraq.
If your mood is quite dejected, bomb Iraq.
If you think Saddam's gone mad,
With the weapons that he had,
And he tried to kill your dad,
Bomb Iraq.

If corporate fraud is growin', bomb Iraq.
If your ties to it are showin', bomb Iraq.
If your politics are sleazy,
And hiding that ain't easy,
And your manhood's getting queasy,
Bomb Iraq.

Fall in line and follow orders, bomb Iraq.
For our might knows not our borders, bomb Iraq.
Disagree? We'll call it treason,
Let's make war not love this season,
Even if we have no reason,
Bomb Iraq.

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Feb. 3, 2003

Today Saddam Hussein said (along with that Islamic Fundamentalist in London with no hands) that the Columbia burn-up was God's punishment on the USA. Hmmmm... So God would kill 7 scientists to prove a point... Sorry, that's so lame... so juvenile. The Islamic Fundamentalists (which I prefer to refer to as Islamic Fascists) reduce God to an angry brat. According to their logic, the disintegration of a space craft had nothing to do with the space program, man's attempt to harness laws of physics. That would make the American space program perfect marred only by the moody hand of a bi-polar God. To give God the power to determine everything everywhere is to reduce His role in our lives.

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Feb 1, 2003

Handsome machines are dying young lately.

Today I went on line. The New York Times is my default browser page. Contact with Columbia is Lost. A JPEG of a white meteor trail. Oh no... oh no... Ran to the TV. The Shuttle burned up on re-entry today. Watched the replay a hundred times. Wondered how fast it was for the astronauts. A huge puff of smoke interupted the trail across the sky. Probably the decompression and disintegration of the cabin. That's probably when they died. Below the image the news bar slid the words: Explosions heard in Palestine, Texas. An Israeli on board... did we need that tacky metaphor?

But in a way Columbia's loss is no surprise. It was bound to happen one day or another. One in a hundred rockets blow up. Astonauts have a one percent chance of dying in flight. And they still do it. I'd still do it. This was the Shuttle's 113th mission. No Shuttle losses should happen for at least the next 87 flights... I'd play that lottery to fly.

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Jan. 30, 2003

I would compare September 11th to January 30, 1953 in Holland; the Watersnoodramp (the day the dikes broke in the south of the country killing 1500 people). But in order to make a more accurate comparison allow me to fictionalize a bit... imagine that the Watersnoodramp was caused by 19 Indonesians blowing up the dikes as opposed to rough seas doing the job. It's a disaster that strikes at the very fragility of your country, affecting how you regard your safety and your landscape. Then add to this that the 19 Indonesians had a fundamentalist belief system based on homophobia, miscogeny and rascism. Now imagine people all over the world saying you deserved it because of what your government did in Indonesia.

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Jan 14, 2003

Today I landed a tour in Holland for Airplanes & Skyscrapers. Walking out of the Theatre Instituut building on the Golden Bend I suddenly realized that this kind of event in my life years ago would have been celebrated by going to the observation deck of the WTC. Sad.

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Hail to the Dutch firm UN Architects for their proposal for the World Trade Center site. The best!!! My number two goes to Norman Foster. And to Richard Meier: What were you thinking?!

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Got my first review for Airplanes & Skyscrapers today:

"Een prachtig document over herinnering aan wolkenkrabbers en sierlijke vliegtuigen die opnieuw een plek moeten krijgen na 11 september vorig jaar. Combinatie van een spreekbeurt en film, knutsel-vertelling op z'n Hotel Modern's. Eenvoudig, krachtig, zonder poeha en recht in het hart. Het is echt een klein juweeltje in de 11/9-documentaire vloed."
(VB voor www.moose.nl , gezien 28/11/02)

"A wonderful story about memory of skyscrapers and graceful airplanes that need to find a place after the September 11 attacks. A combination of lecture and film, handyman and storyteller reminiscent of the work of the Dutch theater company Hotel Modern. Simple, powerful, without fuss and straight to the heart. Go see it. It is truly a small jewel in the flood of 9-11 documentaries." (VB, Nov. 28, 2002 for moose.nl)

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One of my next projects may be to make Airplanes & Skyscrapers into a book. There is so much content I left out in the performance version. so many stories, images, writing and dreams. Might be nice to shoot for that next. (at the same time to still perform Airplanes & Skyscrapers.)

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Yesterday Prins Claus of the Netherlands was buried. It sucks to loose a father. This death struck a bit closer than the ones I ususally hear about in the media basically because his age was the age of my dad when he passed away. And then the ages of the crown prince and his two brothers match the ages of me and my brothers when my dad died. The age differences of the Oranje-Nassau's are the same in my family. So they lost their father at a relatively young age. Young men in their early thirties late twenties loosing their father. They will mostl-likely live more then 50% of their lives without a father than with. And that sucks. But of course it's up you to figure out a new relationship with this new form that a loved one takes after they die.

Then there were more tears from Maxima. And those were somewhat painful to watch because I know that they are not only for the Prince (her father in Law) who died but they were tears for her dad whom is very old. Tears of recognition that she will most likely not be in Argentina close to her Dad when he passes away. She lives with that (her choice of course) pending phone call that could come in at any moment from a home far away with the dreadful news that someone in your family has died.

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Jan. 1 , 2003

Pois é... não fui pra posse! Eu sou um idiota mesmo...

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Nov. 24, 2002

...I wanna go...

(Endeavour lift-off, NYTimes.com)

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28 Outubro, 2002

Perdi a copa. Perdi a eleição. Vou pra posse!

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5 Outubro, 2002


Essa charge de As Cobras do Veríssimo saiu em jornais brasileiros um dia antes da eleição Lula contra o Collor.

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Brazilians abroad not voting 7 people i met that day none voted. think about why we came here. Very distressed that I won't vote in Brazil.

On election day here in Amsterdam Icame across 7 Brazilians. Only one was registered at the consulate in Rotterdam to vote but she forgot about the election day. The other 6 hadn't even registered and weren't planning on voting anyway. Aí a gente reclama do Brazil, mora fora mas não tenta fazer nada pra mudar a situação. Decepcionado comigo. Decepcionado com os que moram fora.

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4 Outubro, 2002


Penso nas razões pelas quais saí do Brasil. Sou um dos milhões que se picaram do Brasil na época do Collor. E agora, novas eleições se aproximando, me lembro do apoio escancarado e vergonhoso que a Rede Globo deu ao Collor. "O Povo Não é Bobo. Abaixo a Rede Globo!", cantavamos numa carreata na frente da Rede Globo em Brasilia na W-3 Norte. Eu buzinava tanto que a minha buzina fez um barulho de estar engasgando e morreu. Com uma vitória do Lula agora neste domingo (tomara!) seria muito bom que a Rede Globo pedisse desculpas publicamente ao povo brasileiro pela influencia que exerceu na eleição do 'Fernandinho do Pó'. Rede Globo!: pede desculpas, vai?!

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3 Outubro, 2002

Estou extremamente triste que eu não vou poder votar agora domingo dia 6. Uma merda. Vou ter que justificar depois. Eu só posso votar no Consulado em Nova Iorque onde votei pela última vez. Tentei várias vezes fazer a transferência do meu titulo para o Consulado em Rotterdam mas o diplomata com quem conversei várias vezes ao longo dos anos nunca conseguiu me informar quando era para fazer a tranferência... dizia sempre: fica ligando que um dia a gente fica sabendo. Agora passou o prazo, claro. Era num período de dois meses no começo do ano. Bom... agora já foi. A não ser que me dê a louca e eu consiga um vôo de última hora baratíssimo para Nova Iorque no sábado. Portanto fica registrado aqui a minha intenção de voto neste site que recebe mais ou menos 30 visitas por dia:


Se bem que, honestamente, teria preferido a Marta Suplicy para presidente. And to foreign investors! Don't listen to those assholes at Goldman-Sachs. Invest in Brazil!

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Sept 29 , 2002

Dad would have turned 85 today.

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Sept 25 , 2002

I'm baaaaack. long time no blog. I just came out of a production. Airplanes & Skyscrapers, my first monologue. worked all summer on it. now I'm exhausted. spent one week sleeping 11 hours a day. (before the premiere i was sleeping 3 hours a night). Feel pretty rested up now. A lot of follow-up work to be done now.

Saw a nice movie the other day. L'Auberge Espagnole by Cedric something-or-other. He might become one of my favorite directors. He did Chacun Cherche Son Chat... totally sweet movie. the world needs tasteful sweetness.

plus, yesterday i started to grow my Sea Monkeys that two great friends gave me in Mechelen as my premiere present. not sure if they are going to grow though. I think the water was too cold and I zapped them.

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July 29, 2002

I just found what I think is the best proposal for ground zero. It's a design by a fellow named Ray Keim. Ray, I've been trying to get in touch with you but I can't find you on the web. I would love to collaborate or even incorporate my design for a memorial into your plan shown below. If you come across this blog please get in touch with me at yo@rickyseabra.com. Your proposal is the most beautiful yet. It grounds lower Manhattan with a collosal structure worthy of the Twin Towers yet it restores a romantacism by evoking the poetic skyline of downtown Manhattan earlier this century. Check out larger jpegs of Ray's proposal at www.buildthetowers.org. Fabulous!


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July 18 , 2002

My site started getting a lot of hits yesterday due to someone that I don't know posting my WTC Memorial in a chat forum. People were commenting the new plans unveiled yesterday for the WTC site. Check the reactions out. This forum called www.fark.com is quite amusing. Go to WTC discussion.

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July 11 , 2002

I had always wondered when I would finally see the World Trade Center again in my dreams as it was. Since the attacks, New York has been a mutilated city in my dreams. The World Trade Center, for the past 10 months have always appeared in ruins in my dreams. Usually quite high ruins... up to 30 stories of broken metal beams... once looking like mammoth ground-zero version of the Pompidou in Paris. Last night I dreamed I was flying over New York City, flying myself, flapping my arms like a bird, I rose and dove between the skyscrapers around midtown. While flying West I noticed in the corner of my eye that the WTC stood. Just as they always did. No dream enhancements, no extra stories, no silver lining. They were just there. My mind could rebuild.

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July 7, 2002

Wonderful party at Masako Noguchi's last night... It was a TANABATA party: the Star festival in Japan, is the event based on the legend in which two lovers who were separated by the milky way meet just once a year on the night of July 7th... I could not possibly miss an event of such cosmic significance. It was such a wonderful night. We wrote down wishes on pieces of beautifully crafted Japanese paper and hung them up on flowers around the house (in Japan you're supposed to hang your wishes up on a bamboo tree). I wished for passion, courage and profusion in my writing. Since the couple's wish to be together is granted that night, they will grant you your wish.

At the end of the night Masako showed me a book of poetry of black writers from the UK. My favorite which, to me, reads like a prayer:

wi give tanks
fi di life
yu share wid wi
wi give tanks
fi di lite
yu shine pon wi
wi give tanks
fi di love
yu showah pon wi
we give tanks
fi yu memahri

- Linton Kwesi Johnson

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July 1 , 2002

A Taça do Mundo é Nossa!

Watched the World Cup final in Berlin at a bar on Prenzlauer Alle with a german friend from brasilia, Hilmar Pfister. I was the only brazilian and made it very clear during the anthem. I sang out loud. there was a small group of germans rooting for brazil but they weren't responding to my cries of Penta-campeo (5 times champion) in portuguese. But when the 87th minute rolled around I found myself with a deep desire to sing Ai, Ai ai ai. esta' chegando a hora... but the mood was becoming more somber and i ended up containing myself. But at the 90th minute I couldn't contain myself and I started to yell Penta-campeao to see if there were any other brazilians in the bar. no one responded. Then I really kept my mouth shut. But with the end of the game the germans in the bar were very cordial and appreciated brazil's victory. when Cafu lifted the world cup in the end ceremony everyone clapped. nice. but my emotions were all locked up and i left the bar with a pain in my heart and chest. i don't think i ever experienced such a great oppression of emotion. two german women were nice enough to take me to a brazilian bar in Mehringdam where they knew celebrations would be taking place. I partied till midnight and even bumped into a friend from brasilia, Ciane Fernandes.

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May 29 , 2002


Been quite surprised to hear and read that New Yorkers want to go vertical again in the WTC area. I'm all for it! My first designs were vertical with two memorials at the top of two towers (go to bottom of this page to view). But before going vertical, the airline industry HAS to agree to develop override systems that can take over a hijacked airplanes from tower control. There has to be a shift in the way they think about airline safety, kind of what the automobile industry had to go through when they finally incorporated airbags 20 years after they were developed. BUT PLEASE!!! WHATEVER IS BUILT OVER 50 STORIES IN LOWER MANHATTAN, LET IT NOT BE BUILT BY ZECKENDORF!!! Talk about cheap looking, tacky construction! Remember Union Square pre-1988!

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May 28 , 2002

Pretty disappointed that the last beam of the WTC was removed today. OK, they said it will be incorporated into a future memorial. But it would have have had more impact if it was still standing in the bedrock. See my memorial idea.

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May 24 , 2002


Onde quer que você esteja, feliz aniversário.

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May 19 , 2002


Today I watched a short portion of Holland vs. the US. Couldn't understand how Holland is not in the World Cup. What happened? Where was I? I may have been in Brazil when they were eliminated. But it really sucks. During the Euro 2000 I became enamoured with Dutch soccer. After the event, even though Holland didn't win, I was pretty convinced that Holland would win the World Cup of Korea-Japan. The team of Rijkaard reminded me of Brazil's Tele Santana team of 1982. The one that got eliminated by Italy in the quarter finals of the Spanish World Cup. Totally unexpected. It was Brazil's GREATEST team. They just screwed up at the wrong time. Socrates, Zico, Falcão... Everyone was great on the team. Everyone on the team was making goals. Even players on defense. They were a joy to watch. And that joy comes back watching Oranje (the Dutch team). I taught my partner (who abhors soccer) to appreciate his national soccer team. Hard to believe that Van Zenden, de Boer, Stam, Davids, Winter won't be in Asia in the upcoming weeks. Such a loss. The World Cup will be a bit less beautiful. And Brazil won't be able to play what I find to be the best game to watch in World Cup Soccer: Brazil vs. Holland. Always the most exciting game.

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May 19 , 2002 (Eerste Pinksterdag)


Last night on Parkinson on BBC, after briefly discussing whether or not animals sing, a scientist told a story about how an anthropologist once asked a Bushman where he thought music came from. The Bushman baffled by the question answered: "What!? You don't hear the stars singing?!"

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May 9 , 2002 (Hemmelvaart)

Funny thought today. Walking home from the Turkish baker where I always buy some great meat-filled bread goodies, coriander and spices, I had this vision of one day visiting Istanbul and passing a bakery on the street and with the aromas coming from inside, the faces and fabulous five o'clock shadows, I will be probably be reminded of Amsterdam.

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May 9 , 2002

I've only been commenting on death and war lately. Can someone please send me some good news? I've always had this idea and maybe it's time to implement it. A journal of only good news. Works, Projects, Art... they don't get enough air-play. The function of the media seems simply to relay or repeat the neurosis that is our world by only harping on... well... the neurosis. But it can't be all bad. How about "O Bom Jornal" or the "Good News", or Good Times, Good Tribune. What good social work is being done out there? What are the results? What good work is being done on the governmental level? Which inventors out there have developed products or systems that are TRULY improving our quality of life. Which literacy programs out there are REALLY working. So if you, reading this, hear of any work, charity, story of an individual, government policy that is verifiably having an impact on making the world a better place please send it to me. I shall post them here or maybe on a new page called the Good News Page. It's actually the type of thing that might already exist on line. Will check.

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May 8 , 2002

Probably the most bizarre scene of the Israel-Palestine conflict was aired tonight. The protagonists of the scene were a robot and a human. On-lookers off in the distance behind police barricades. A Palestinian suicide bomber is wounded and dazed lying on the asphalt. It seems his explosives didn't entirely detonate. A remote controlled bomb squad robot (those mini-tank looking robots that are used to detonate suitcases or bags left on streets of Israeli, Spain, Britain or Ireland) approaches the young man. He has enough energy only to lift his head off the street to look at the approaching machine. The robot's claw grabs the terrorist by the lower leg. For a moment I thought the robot was going to rattle him about to make him explode. But the robot proceeded to roll backwards and drag him along the street while he, with his head lifted, looked at the robot. A truly 21st century image... unfortunately.


This reminds me of a small newspaper article that filled me with awe when I was a teenager in the 70's. The title was "First Robot to Kill Man". A robot at an automated assembly plant in Japan accidentally crushed a worker. The guy probably got in the robots way while it was swinging its arm around... This death had great symbolism to me making me weary of the future in the already unsettling age of thermo-nuclear proliferation.

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May 8 , 2002

So along comes the left-wing extremist asshole and blows 6 bullets into Pim Fortuyn's body. Yes, he was a environmental activist. What some may call en eco-nazi. So. Pim's opinions are dead. His ideology however may gain force. Sometimes assasinations do that. Sometimes not. Sometimes they are "effective": take the militant butt-head who killed Ysak Rabin. Talk about getting what he wanted; new elections, Netanhayu, the collapse of the peace plan.

Will Pim Fortuyn's brother take up politics? It will be interesting to see where the anti-immigration right-wing ideology finds its new niche. Maybe his brother will continue his views. Family often does. Netanhayu is someone who's brother was the famous one. The brother was the commander that got killed in Entebee while rescuing passengers from a hijacked El Al flight. Jim Belushi; another brother that followed up on the fame of a silbing. And Catherine Deneuve. She was the pretty younger sister of an already well-established actress that was killed in a car accident.

Anyway, it's too bad he had this sort of an end. In a sense he was kind of fun to have around in this quaint progressive monarchy of quiet and level-headed politics. I love the way he treated the press. You'd often hear him blurt out things at reporters like: "Why do you people always ask me that? You're so boring!"

OK, he seemed dangerous but how dangerous was he really? He was only as dangerous as the left wing is complacent. I bet if you interviewed the anti-Le Pen rioters in Paris about who they voted for in the first round of elections I bet most have them would have said they didn't vote. Nothing bores me more than someone who complains about politics and doesn't vote. Some kind of lame anarchy statement. Believe me. I've come across a lot of them.

Way to go to the eco-nazi left winger who shot Fortuyn. There may be a new movement in the offings called Fortunism. His name is already being used in flyers I'm seeing around Amsterdam: Democracy costs a Fortune.

No voting, bullets, silencing people's opinions. Did I hear someone say Stalinism?

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May 6 , 2002

Dood is dood. Of niet?

Pim Fortuyn, the so-called radical right-winger is shot dead today. The first political assasination in Holland since the 1700's. An intriguing man that could only be a product of Holland; a radical right-winger who is also openly gay.

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May 3 , 2002

Implementation of SEABRA Peace Plan phase one: WALLS!


Photo from the NY Times.

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May 2 , 2002

Oh my God! I have the greatest idea for a WTC memorial. Nothing like the memorial image I posted at the bottom of these blogs. Spent the last two days skething and writing. Can't wait to make it public. (NOW ON-LINE: CLICK HERE!)

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April 27, 2002

Lisa 'Left Eye' Lopes is dead. So young. So talented. She was poised to be quite the space diva; an artist I would definitely like to see on the International Space Station. So sad.

"Satisfy my appetite with something spectacular.
Check your venacular
and then I'll get back to ya."

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April 22 , 2002


It is in the dew covered mornings of Eindhoven that one realizes that Holland does not belong to the Dutch. It belongs to spiders.

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April 21 , 2002

Today Brasilia turns 42... and the sun is probably shining ridiculously there. I always miss Brasilia.

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April 15 , 2002

I saw Sylvia Kristel on the street today here in Amsterdam. I think she noticed I realized who she was. You can porn but you can never hide!

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April 13 , 2002

Just got back from a demonstration here in Amsterdam against the Israeli occupation of the West Bank. I feel so emotionally drained right now. Looking like an Arab, walking amongst them to show my support. 40,000 people turned up. Turks, Marrocans, Europeans, Latin Americans, Dutch. Listening to everyone chant against Israel and especially against a country which I used to call home (United States), was quite draining. Also draining was knowing that Powell is going accomplish jack shit in Israel... Someone else has to broker peace there... someone like Nelson Mandela. Listening to the bullshit was also training. Speakers making vast generalizations about the United States... forgetting that not too long ago it was the United States not Europeans that helped Muslims in Kosovo. Had the world waited for the Europeans to act we would have seen another Srebrenica or even Rwanda. I actually found amusing that the mostly Marrocan crowd booed the U.S. when comments were made about it's presence in Afghanistan. Yes, the U.S. is there and I hope they leave but one thing that these demonstrators were forgetting is that the Afghans don't want any Arabs in Afghanistan either. I thought of the demagogery that can take place at demonstrations and I wondered about all the demonstrations I had been to in my younger years and how much bullshit I bought into. But I felt it was important to come out to this demonstration anyway to help add to the crowd. Demonstrations are not about subtlety ... there're about blanket statements... convenient blanket statements. But what was most draining was that even thought I felt it was important to add my body to the crowd I grew quite aware at one point that a lot of the chants in Arabic were probably very anti-semetic in nature. Maybe I'm making assumptions. But it just felt that way. Some helds signs: Joden Uit (Jews out). Banners had images of the father trying to protect his kid last year when Sharon's visit to a Muslim holy site triggered the new entifada (the child in the photo was shot dead). The demonstration ended with some rioting in front of the Krasnapolky Hotel. Quite frightening but I managed to get away up Damrak. A mounted policewoman trotted by... the horse with a 12 inch gash in its abdomen. Later heard that Muslims smashed the windows of a gay club.

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April 4 , 2002

Herald Tribune Brussels: "It is clear American mediation efforts have failed, and we need new mediation" before the Israeli-Palestianian conflict turns into a full-scale regional war. - European Commission president, Romano Prodi.

Hello!!! What did I say two days ago in my Blog below!!!!!! The SEABRA Peace Plan! Implementation NOW!

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April 2 , 2002

(The Seabra Road Map for Israel-Palestine):

The two peoples, Israelis and Palestinians must be pryed apart. The American government should withdraw from participation in any peace efforts and at the same time allow the UN security council to send in blue helmet peace keeping forces to Israel and the Palestinian territories. Let Nelson Mandela be the broker of peace. The immediate relocation (forced if necessary) of all the activists that built settlements on Palestinian territory during the Netanyahu years would take place and Israel would compensate them for their loss of property. Walls and barbed wire fences will separate the West Bank and Gaza and Israel. The Palestinian State will be declared. Israel will be recognized by the Arab world. Jerusalem? Divide it with barbed wire too. Too bad. Two peoples that provoke so much violence don't deserve to call their capitals "holy". Anyone who wants to call Jersulem their capital should be allowed to do so. Even the Eskimos.

Finally, a fabulously gorgeous bridge 20 stories high and 37 kms long will be built to connect the Gaza and the West Bank giving Palestine a contiguous border while maintaining Israel's territorial integrity. (OK, I'd let Santiago Calatrava submit a proposal for a bridge). The bridge would be built by contractors and construction workers from countries that have never had any involvement in former peace plans. Brazilians and Australians, for example... they could take the desert heat during construction. The bridge would be paid for with UN money. Israel would own and maintain the foundations and lower half of the bridge. Palestine would own the upper half. No stairwells or access would exist between the two halves.

Security for Israel is restored. Freedom to come and go freely within their own homeland is restored for the Palestian people.

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March 14, 2002

Funny to hear George W. Bush questioning the legitimacy of the elections in Zimbabwe. Of all people...

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March 11, 2002

Wish I could be in NY today for the turning on of the "Tribute in Light" installation. I hope it looks as good as it does in the various photoshop renderings that have shown up in the press. It's a great concept; one that is ephemeral in nature yet it still fills a void in the sky. And at the same time it is a sort of votive candle that highlights the need to address the future of the WTC site: Rebuild? Memorial? Or Both?

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March 9, 2002

Theatre director and columnist Gerald Thomas has an interesting article in the Jornal Do Brasil about the shifiting notion of the "underground". The underground was where great art simmered and thrived but now, he argues, the underground is being usurped by the infrastructures that are currently generating war (governments and terrorist groups). He sites the examples of the tunnels and caves of Afghanistan and the new shadow government of the United States that could supposedly survive a nuclear attack on Washington. If you read Portuguese go to jb.com.br and search for: Gerald Thomas underground.

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March 3, 2002

"Christoph Luxenberg, a scholar of ancient Semitic languages in Germany, argues that the Koran has been misread and mistranslated for centuries. ...(F)or example, the virgins who are supposedly awaiting good Islamic martyrs as their reward in paradise are in reality "white raisins" of crystal clarity rather than fair maidens.

"(...) the famous passage about the virgins is based on the word hur, which is an adjective in the feminine plural meaning simply "white." Islamic tradition insists the term hur stands for "houri," which means virgin, but Mr. Luxenberg insists that this is a forced misreading of the text. In both ancient Aramaic and in at least one respected dictionary of early Arabic, hur means "white raisin.

Mr. Luxenberg has traced the passages dealing with paradise to a Christian text called Hymns of Paradise by a fourth-century author. Mr. Luxenberg said the word paradise was derived from the Aramaic word for garden and all the descriptions of paradise described it as a garden of flowing waters, abundant fruits and white raisins, a prized delicacy in the ancient Near East. In this context, white raisins, mentioned often as hur, Mr. Luxenberg said, makes more sense than a reward of sexual favors." (http://www.nytimes.com/2002/03/02/arts/02ISLA.html)

Funny to think of the expression on the faces of Mohammed Atta and his gang of drama-queens arriving at the gates of heaven receiving a handful of raisins when they thought they were getting laid... Saint Peter adding, "and by the way, fuckers, you killed 500 muslims... now go to hell."

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Feb. 23, 2002

Wow... Chuck Jones died ... all those hours, if not days, weeks or even months of watching Bugs Bunny, Road Runner, Elmer Fudd, Pepe Le Pew... One of my favorite films of all times (one of my top 20, really) was drawn and directed by Chuck Jones. An animated short called "Feed the Kitty".


It's the cartoon about the bulldog who adopts an abandoned kitten. He takes the kitty home and has to hide it from his master (a woman who is only beautiful legs, of course). He nurtures and plays with the kitty. At one point he is almost caught in the kitchen with the kitty and is forced to hide it in a jar of flour. After being expelled from the kitchen and thrown out into the back yard the master proceeds to bake some cookies. The dog witnesses from outside the kitchen window what he believes to be the mutilation and murder of his pet kitten. The dog delivers one of the most dramatic performances ever on screen as the flour is blended into batter, rolled into dough, chopped up in molds and placed in the oven. His terror and anguish are absolute. He faints and melts, eyeballs rolling into the back of his head, tongue dropping from his jaw. And, finally, the TORTURE he experiences after the master offers him a cookie in the shape of a kitten! His face, his trembling fingers taking the cookie! If an academy award were to ever be given to an animated character it would have to go to this dog. I hadn't seen this cartoon in years and I found myself sobbing at a Warner Brothers night back in '86 (the ones they had once a month at the Cinema Village on 13th street [NYC]). This film always made me cry as a child and sure enough at 20 it continued to make me cry... and today just thinking about it still makes me want to cry. Feed the Kitty. All ends well with the cutest little "meow" of course... and the dogs reaction of happiness mixed with his pleas to his master to keep the kitty. The ability to make the inanimate convey such emotion, for me, will always put animation one step above film. Filmmakers register life... animators BRING to life...

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Feb. 17 , 2002

Woke up this morning with a need to track my life-itinerary through airports since the first time I got on an airplane in 1971:


Hopefully the near future will bring: HAV (before Castro dies), LIS, IST, and lots of GIG!!!

Airport code website: http://www.mapping.com/cgi-bin/airport.cgi

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Feb. 15 , 2002

Vernon Walters passes away ... ding dong the prick is dead. So much for a Truth Commission for American involvement in dictorships of Latin America. Well, there are still many more Vernon Walters out there. I had a talk once at a gallery opening in Caracas with Venezuelan professor and writer Itala Scotto Dominguez. I told her that Latin America should have a truth commission à la South Africa to openly discuss our dictatorships together with the Americans. Itala and I fantisized about truth and justice over white wine ... I miss Venezuela.

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Feb. 15 , 2002

Ricco Gross, German Olympian 10km Sprint... sigh...

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Feb. 14 , 2002

Me in Café Centrale Brussels... fabulous wall... photo Ellison Pearson

roll over me and make me smile

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